As one of my all-time favourite games, find out why I think you should play The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild...

Okay, so I’ve already talked about how I’m a huge Zelda fan, but today I want to go into detail about what I love about Breath of the Wild, the most recent instalment in the Zelda franchise.
Anyone who vaguely follows gaming will know that Breath of the Wild has become hugely popular. It’s widely talked about and played and has won awards, including Game of the Year back when it came out in 2017!

Breath of the Wild takes a large place in my heart and definitely is a contender for my favourite recent game. I want to take a minute to list a few reasons why I rate this game so highly…

✥The map is HUGE! I’ve sunk well over 300 hours into the game and not once did I get bored or think it felt repetitive. The world is so vast, and every area completely unique, it creates this near constant excitement wondering what you’ll stumble upon next.

✥ The collectibles. Part of what makes exploring the world so fun is the fact that you will find something to interact with over every hill, under almost every rock. Whether it’s another shrine, a hidden treasure chest, or one of 900 koroks to find, there is always something to do. Some open worlds feel empty and lack the incentive to explore every corner the developers painstakingly created, but Nintendo made damn sure that players felt rewarded whenever they let their curiosity rule their gameplay.

✥ The survival aspect. One key feature of many Zelda games is that we begin with Link waking up and having to find his first key items before the game can truly progress. Breath of the Wild takes this idea one step further in including a survival aspect to the game. From those first moments of exiting your cave and finding your first low-damage, easily breakable branch as a weapon, to finding your first piece of food to heal you, this game leans heavily into scavenging, and I honestly loved it.

I could go on and on about why I love Breath of the Wild, but I won’t.
Let me know in the comments what you thought of the game! What were your favourite parts?